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Apollo Health & Beauty Care

Animal Testing

Apollo Health and Beauty Care is committed to eliminating the need for animal testing. As such, we do not perform animal testing of products or their ingredients on animals and instead perform tests to substantiate ingredient or product safety using validated animal alternatives when they are available.

Additionally we do not pursue markets that require animal testing of our products and their ingredients. We share your concern about the use of animals in safety testing and are equally committed to the health and safety of consumers and therefore engage only in product testing that includes non-animal studies and clinical tests on volunteers where so required by law.

We pride ourselves on our excellent product safety record and are proud to work closely with our industry partners and scientific community to support the enhancement of validated non-animal alternatives for product testing.

Apollo is a proud member and supporter of Neavs – a national animal advocacy organization dedicated to ending the use of animals in research, testing, and science education.

Apollo Health & Beauty Care Apollo Health & Beauty Care Apollo Health & Beauty Care
Apollo augments its use of recycled materials

Apollo's efforts to go green have yielded material improvements in recycled material usage. Greater than 50% of all Apollo processed plastics and corrugated carton stock is comprised of post recycled material..